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Cut Bank Vs. Conrad

Fergus (Lewistown) Vs. Havre

Conrad Vs. Fergus

Cut Bank Vs. Havre

The Cut Bank Invitational Tennis Duals were played on March 30, 2002. Cut Bank and Conrad began the Invitational on six courts but snow forced the matches indoors to the Willie DeGroot Gymnasium. Because the Invitational was forced inside, Six-game prosets were played. Havre dualed Cut Bank and Lewistown. Lewistown played Conrad and Havre, Conrad faced Lewistown and Cut Bank while the Wolves met Conrad and Havre.The Conrad and Havre Girls as well as the Cut Bank Boys went 2-0 on the day.

Team results were:

Cut Bank vs. Conrad.......CB Boys 6 - Conrad Boys 1. Conrad Girls 6 - CB Girls 1

Fergus vs. Havre.....Havre Boys 3 - Fergus Boys 2.Havre Girls 4 - Fergus Girls 1

Fergus vs. Conrad.....Conrad Boys 0 - Fergus Boys 5.Conrad Girls 4 - Fergus Girls 1

Cut Bank vs. Havre.......Havre Boys 2 - CB Boys 3.Havre Girls 4 - CB Girls 1

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