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Keith Gregg Memorial Tennis


Keith Gregg loved the game of tennis. He spent many hours watching, supporting and encouraging the Cut Bank players. He even played in some of the Wolve's open tournaments and often played the game when ever he could. We honor him with this tournament. The Keith Gregg Memorial tournament had three brackets this year; Girls' Singles, Boys' Singles and Handicapped Doubles. The singles brackets were open only to members of this years team. As in the past, the doubles brackets were open to members, family and friends of CBHS Tennis. The doubles' matches used handicapped scoring so as to make the matches as even as possible giving everyone a chance to advance.

Grandkids, Keithan and Laura claimed the championship of this year's doubles bracket, while Laura also won the girl's singles and Brett Cline claimed the boy's singles championship. Tournament results and photos of the days events can be located by the links above or below.

Boys' Singles


Girls' Singles

Tournament Photo Gallery


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Copyright @Jim Gregg jimg@bresnan.net