2009 USTA Raffle - Trip to 2009 US OPEN



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This year's captains have decided we need to take a break from our fund raising efforts. Usually, this puts a heavy burden on the family and I understand the need to occasionally back off and give your pocket book a rest! In the past few years we have raised enough money to purchase court benches for our outdoor facility and we are close to buying a set of bleachers for our spectators. The new benches will be put out on match days for the players to use.

HOWEVER - I don't want to eliminate the possibility of one of our parents, team members or friends of CBHS Tennis not to have the opportunity to buy a raffle ticket for this year's US Open in New York City. Joan and I have 20 tickets that are for sale, on a first come basis. If you are interested, we have the tickets. The cost is $20.00 of which half will remain in the CBHS Tennis account and go toward future purchases for our tennis facility or team.

Last Updated on April 15, 2009

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Coach Jim Gregg elemjg@cutbankschools.net